The first non-vanishing quadratic twist of an automorphic L-series
The first two cohomology groups of some Galois groups
The fluctuations in the number of points of smooth plane curves over finite fields
The fluctuations in the number of points on a hyperelliptic curve over a finite field
The formulas of coefficients of sum and product of p-adic integers with applications to Witt vectors
The fourth moment of Dirichlet $L$-functions
The fourth moment of Dirichlet L-functions
The fourth moment of the zeta-function
The fourth moment of ζ^{'}(ρ)
The fractal dimension of the Riemann zeta zeros
The fractional Galois ideal for arbitrary order of vanishing
The Frobenius and monodromy operators for curves and abelian varieties
The Frobenius problem, rational polytopes, and Fourier-Dedekind Sums
The Frobenius vector of a free affine semigroup
The functional equation for the twisted spinor L-series of genus 2
The fundamental theorem of complex multiplication
The Fundamental Theorem of prehomogeneous vector spaces modulo $p^m$. With an appendix "L-functions of prehomogeneous vector spaces" by Fumihiro Sato
The Galois module structure of l-adic realizations of Picard 1-motives and applications
The Galois structure of ambiguous ideals in cyclic extensions of degree 8
The Gauss higher relative class number problem