The dying rabbit problem revisited
The Dynamical Mordell-Lang Conjecture
The dynamical Mordell-Lang problem for etale maps
The effect of convolving families of L-functions on the underlying group symmetries
The eigencurve is proper at integral weights
The EKG Sequence
The elementary obstruction and homogeneous spaces
The elliptic Apostol-Dedekind sums generate odd Dedekind symbols with Laurent polynomial reciprocity laws
The elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem and equivalent hard problems for elliptic divisibility sequences
The elliptic fixed points of the Picard modular group over the Gaussian integers
The equation $|p^x \pm q^y| = c$ in nonnegative $x$, $y$
The equation $ω(n)=ω(n+1)$
The equidistribution of small point for strongly regular pairs of polynomial maps
The Equivalence of Giuga's and Agoh's Conjectures
The Eratosthenes Progression p_{k+1} = π^{-1}(p_k), k=0,1,2,..., p_0 \in N \setminus P Determines An Inner Prime Number Distribution Law
The Erdős--Moser equation $1^k+2^k+...+(m-1)^k=m^k$ revisited using continued fractions
The Erdos-Turan problem in infinite groups
The Euclidean Algorithm in Cubic Number Fields
The Euler system of cyclotomic units and higher Fitting ideals
The evaluation of Tornheim double sums. Part2