Poisson statistics via the Chinese remainder theorem
Poisson Type Phenomena for Points on Hyperelliptic Curves modulo p
Poitou-Tate duality over extensions of global fields
Polarizations on abelian varieties and self-dual ell-adic representations of inertia groups
Polarized morphisms between abelian varieties
Polygones de Hodge, de Newton et de l'inertie modérée des représentations semi-stables
Polygones de Newton de certaines sommes de caractères et séries de Poincaré
Polygons in billiard orbits
Polylogarithms and a Zeta Function for Finite Places of a Function Field
Polylogarithms, hyperfunctions and generalized Lipschitz summation formulae
Polylogarithms, regulators and Arakelov motivic complexes
Polynomial behavior of special values of partial zeta function of real quadratic fields at s=0
Polynomial Cunningham Chains
Polynomial Differences in the Primes
Polynomial Equations and Rank of Matrices Over F_2 Related to Persymmetric Matrices
Polynomial growth of sumsets in abelian semigroups
Polynomial Mappings mod p^n
Polynomial parametrization of Pythagorean quadruples, quintuples and sextuples
Polynomial parametrizations of length $4$ Büchi sequences
Polynomial splines interpolating prime series