Period-index problems in WC-groups IV: a local transition theorem
Periodic points, linearizing maps, and the dynamical Mordell-Lang problem
Periodicity of complementing multisets
Periodicity properties of coefficients of half integral weight modular forms
Periods and Igusa Zeta functions
Periods of abelian varieties
Periods on the moduli space of genus 0 curves
Permutation binomials over finite fields
Permutation Polynomials modulo m
Permutations and primes
Perturbation of zeros of the Selberg zeta-function for $Γ_0(4)$
Pfaffians, the G-Signature Theorem and Galois de Rham discriminants
Phénomènes de symétrie dans des formes linéaires en polyzêtas
Physical Roots of It from Bit
pi-adic approach of p-class group and unit group of p-cyclotomic fields
Piatetski-Shapiro sequences
Plane curves in boxes and equal sums of two powers
Plane quartic twists of X(5,3)
Planet formation: Protoplanetary disk removal and rotational stability of planets
Platonic solids in $\mathbb Z^3$