Perfect Delaunay Polytopes and Perfect Inhomogeneous Forms
Perfect Delaunay Polytopes and Perfect Quadratic Functions on Lattices
Perfect difference sets constructed from Sidon sets
Perfect forms and the cohomology of modular groups
Perfect forms and the Vandiver conjecture
Perfect forms over totally real number fields
Perfect powers generated by the twisted Fermat cubic
Perfect powers in elliptic divisibility sequences
Perfect Powers: Pillai's works and their developments
Perfect Quadrilateral Right Prisms
Period and index in the Brauer group of an arithmetic surface (with an appendix by Daniel Krashen)
Period and index of genus one curves over number fields
Period functions and cotangent sums
Period integrals and Rankin-Selberg L-functions on GL(n)
Period mappings and differential equations. From $\bf C$ to $\bf C_p$
Period polynomial relations between double zeta values
Period polynomials and explicit formulas for Hecke operators on Γ_0(2)
Period Relations, Jacobi Forms and Eichler Integral
Period Spaces for Hodge Structures in Equal Characteristic
Period, index and potential sha