Pair Correlation of the zeros of the Riemann zeta function in longer ranges
Pairing-based algorithms for jacobians of genus 2 curves with maximal endomorphism ring
Pairings of automorphic distributions
Pairings on hyperelliptic curves
Palindromes in Different Bases: A Conjecture of J. Ernest Wilkins
Palindromic Prefixes and Diophantine Approximation
Parabolic log convergent isocrystals
Parabolic, hyperbolic and elliptic Poincaré series
Parallel addition in non-standard numeration systems
Parallelopipeds of Positive Rank Twists of Elliptic Curves
Parameterizing solutions to any Galois embedding problem over Z/p^nZ with elementary p-abelian kernel
Parametric rectilinearization for p-adic semi-algebraic sets and rationality of p-adic integrals
Parametrization of abelian $K$-surfaces with quaternionic multiplication
Parametrization of ideal classes in rings associated to binary forms
Parametrization of Pythagorean triples by a single triple of polynomials
Parametrizing Algebraic Curves
Parametrizing quartic algebras over an arbitrary base
Paramodular Abelian Varieties of Odd Conductor
Parity conjectures for elliptic curves over global fields of positive characteristic
Parity considerations in the expansion of Fermat-Pell polynomials