On a conjecture of Montgomery-Vaughan on extreme values of automorphic L-functions at 1
On a conjecture of Parker about Dessins d'Enfants
On a conjecture of Pomerance
On a Conjecture of Rapoport and Zink
On a conjecture of Serre on abelian threefolds
On a conjecture of Sun
On a conjecture of Wilf
On A Conjecture of Zaremba's
On a conjecture on exponential Diophantine equations
On a constant arising in Manin's conjecture for Del Pezzo surfaces
On a continued fraction expansion for Euler's constant
On a curious property of Bell numbers
On a Diophantine problem with one prime, two squares of primes and $s$ powers of two
On a Diophantine problem with two primes and s powers of two
On a distribution property of the residual order of a (mod p)
On a distribution property of the residual order of a (mod p), II
On a Dynamical Brauer-Manin Obstruction
On a factorization of Riemann's $ζ$ function with respect to a quadratic field and its computation
On a Family Of Elliptic Curves With Positive Rank arising from Pythagorean Triples
On a Gauss-Kuzmin Type Problem for a Family of Continued Fractions