On $px^2 + q^{2n}= y^p$ and related Diophantine equations
On (not) computing the Mobius function using bounded depth circuits
On a $p$-adic extension of the Jacquet-Langlands correspondence to weight 1
On a bound of Garcia and Voloch for the number of points of a Fermat curve over a prime field
On a Certain Integral Over a Triangle
On a character sum problem of H. Cohn
On a class number formula for real quadratic number fields
On a class of arithmetic convolutions involving arbitrary sets of integers
On a Class of Ternary Inclusion-Exclusion Polynomials
On a coloring conjecture about unit fractions
On a congruence only holding for primes II
On a conjecture by Boyd
On a conjecture concerning the fraction of invertible m-times persymmetric matrices over F_2
On a conjecture for representations of integers as sums of squares and double shuffle relations
On a conjecture of Berndt and Kim
On a Conjecture of Conrad, Diamond, and Taylor
On a conjecture of Deligne
On a conjecture of Deutsch, Sagan, and Wilson
On a conjecture of Jacquet
On a conjecture of Kaneko and Ohno