New identities involving Bernoulli and Euler polynomials. II
New identities involving q-Euler polynomials of higher order
New lattice sphere packings denser than Mordell-Weil lattices
New linear independence measures for values of q-hypergeometric series
New methods for bounding the number of points on curves over finite fields
New models for the action of Hecke operators in spaces of Maass wave forms
New polynomials producing absolute pseudoprimes with any number of prime factors
New proofs of some formulas of Guillera-Ser-Sondow
New q-Euler numbers and polynomials associated with p-adic q-integrals
New Results on Primes from an Old Proof of Euler's
New results on the least common multiple of consecutive integers
New Solutions of $d=2x^3+y^3+z^3$
New techniques for bounds on the total number of Prime Factors of an Odd Perfect Number
New techniques for computing the ideal class group and a system of fundamental units in number fields
New Wallis- and Catalan-Type Infinite Products for $π, e$, and $\sqrt{2+\sqrt2}$
New zero free regions for the derivatives of the Riemann zeta function
Newforms and Spectral Multiplicities for $Γ_0(9)$
Newton polygons and p-integral bases
Newton polygons for twisted exponential sums and polynomials $P(x^d)$
Newton polygons of higher order in algebraic number theory