Multiple series connected to Hoffman's conjecture on multiple zeta values
Multiple series expressions for the Newton series which interpolate finite multiple harmonic sums
Multiple Zeta Functions, Modular Forms and Adeles
Multiple zeta values and Rota--Baxter algebras
Multiples of integral points on elliptic curves
Multiplicative Diophantine Exponents of Hyperplanes
Multiplicative Diophantine exponents of hyperplanes and their nondegenerate submanifolds
Multiplicative function instead of logarithm (an elementary approach)
Multiplicative functions in arithmetic progressions
Multiplicative mimicry and improvements of the Polya-Vinogradov inequality
Multiplicative Order of Gauss Periods
Multiplicative structures of values of the sum-of-divisors function
Multiplicative Transference Principle
Multiplicative zero-one laws and metric number theory
Multiplicatively badly approximable numbers and generalised Cantor sets
Multiplicities of Galois representations of weight one (with an appendix by Niko Naumann)
Multiplicities of representations in spaces of modular forms
Multiplicity estimate for solutions of extended Ramanujan's system
Multiplier ideal sheaves, Nevanlinna theory, and diophantine approximation
Multiplier Spectra and the Moduli Space of Degree 3 Morphisms on P1