Local diophantine properties of modular curves of $\cal{D}$-elliptic sheaves
Local discriminants, kummerian extensions, and elliptic curves
Local Galois Symbols on E x E
Local heights on elliptic curves and intersection multiplicities
Local heights on Galois covers of the projective line
Local Indecomposability of Hilbert Modular Galois Representations
Local monodromy of p-adic differential equations: an overview
Local monodromy of p-divisible groups
Local newforms and formal exterior square L-functions
Local points on P-adically uniformized Shimura varieties
Local Points on Quadratic Twists of X_0(N)
Local Riemann Hypothesis for complex numbers
Local solubility and height bounds for coverings of elliptic curves
Local spectral equidistribution for Siegel modular forms and applications
Local statistics of lattice points on the sphere
Local Suprema of Dirichlet Polynomials and Zerofree Regions of the Riemann Zeta-Function
Local theta correspondence and the lifting of Duke, Imamoglu and Ikeda
Local to Global Compatibility on the Eigencurve (l not equal p)
Local torsion on elliptic curves and the deformation theory of Galois representations
Local-global compatibility and the action of monodromy on nearby cycles