Local-global compatibility for l=p, I
Local-global compatibility for l=p, II
Local-global principles for 1-motives
Local-global principles for embedding of fields with involution into simple algebras with involution
Local-global principles for representations of quadratic forms
Local-global principles for torsors over arithmetic curves
Local-global problem for Drinfeld modules
Localized factorizations of integers
Locally analytic distributions and p-adic representation theory, with applications to GL_2
Locally analytic vectors of some crystabelian representations of GL_2(Qp)
Locally analytic vectors of unitary principal series of GL_2(Qp)
Locally potentially equivalent Galois representations
Log-concavity of Lucas Sequences of first kind
Logarithmic and absolute-value like properties of $π(x)$ with applications
Logarithmic vector-valued modular forms
Logarithmic vector-valued modular forms and polynomial-growth estimates of their Fourier coefficients
Long Arithmetic Progressions in Critical Sets
Long Arithmetic Progressions in Sets with Small Sumset
Long arithmetic progressions in sumsets: Thresholds and Bounds
Long arithmetic progressions of primes