Integrality at a prime for global fields and the perfect closure of global fields of characteristic p>2
Integrality of Stickelberger elements and the equivariant Tamagawa number conjecture
Integrality Properties of the CM-values of Certain Weak Maass Forms
Integrals of automorphic Green's functions associated to Heegner divisors
Integrals of Borcherds forms
Integrals Over Polytopes, Multiple Zeta Values and Polylogarithms, and Euler's Constant
Integrals related with Rogers Ramanujan continued fraction and q-products
Integration on product spaces and GL_n of a valuation field over a local field
Integration on valuation fields over local fields
Intermediate Diophantine exponents and parametric geometry of numbers
Interpolation function of the genocchi type polynomials
Interpolation of hypergeometric ratios in a global field of positive characteristic
Interpolation of multiple zeta and zeta-star values
Interpolation of numbers of Catalan type in a local field of positive characteristic
Intersection de courbes et de sous-groupes, et problèmes de minoration de hauteur dans les variétés abéliennes C.M
Intersection numbers of Heegner divisors on Shimura curves
Intersection theory on Shimura surfaces
Intersection theory on Shimura surfaces II
Intersections of polynomial orbits, and a dynamical Mordell-Lang conjecture
Intersective polynomials and the primes