Integral points of bounded height on compactifications of semi-simple groups
Integral points of bounded height on partial equivariant compactifications of vector groups
Integral points of bounded height on toric varieties
Integral points of small height outside of a hypersurface
Integral points on cubic hypersurfaces
Integral points on elliptic curves and 3-torsion in class groups
Integral points on elliptic curves and explicit valuations of division polynomials
Integral Points on Hyperelliptic Curves
Integral points on subvarieties of semiabelian varieties, II
Integral points on symmetric varieties and Satake compatifications
Integral points, divisibility between values of polynomials and entire curves on surfaces
Integral Positive Ternary Quadratic Forms
Integral ratios of factorials and algebraic hypergeometric functions
Integral Representaion for L-functions for GSp(4)xGL(2)
Integral representation for L-functions for GSp(4) x GL(2), II
Integral representations of q-analogues of the Hurwitz zeta function
Integral structures on $p$-adic Fourier theory
Integral trace forms associated to cubic extensions
Intégralité des coefficients de Taylor de racines d'applications miroir
Integrality and the Laurent phenomenon for Somos 4 sequences