Inhomogeneous Diophantine approximation on planar curves
Inhomogeneous extreme forms
Inhomogeneous quadratic congruences
Inhomogeneous theory of dual Diophantine approximation on manifolds
Instant Evaluation and Demystification of $ζ(n),L(n,χ)$ that Euler,Ramanujan Missed - I
Instant Evaluation and Demystification of zeta(n),L(n,chi) that Euler,Ramanujan Missed - II
Instant Evaluation and Demystification of zeta(n),L(n,chi) that Euler,Ramanujan Missed III
Instant Multiple Zeta Values at Non-Positive Integers and Bernoulli Functions
Insufficiency of the Brauer-Manin obstruction applied to etale covers
Integer Complexity: Experimental and Analytical Results
Integer conjugacy classes of SL(3,Z) and Hessenberg matrices
Integer Matrix Exact Covering Systems and Product Identities for Theta Functions
Integer Points in Backward Orbits
Integer points in domains and adiabatic limits
Integer sequences counting periodic points
Integer Sequences of the Form a^n + b^n
Integer solutions of a sequence of decomposable form inequalities
Integer symmetric matrices of small spectral radius and small Mahler measure
Integers Represented as a Sum of Primes and Powers of Two
Integers with a divisor in (y,2y]