Identities involving Frobenius-Euler polynomials arising from non-linear differential equations
Identities involving values of Bernstein, q-Bernoulli and q-Euler polynomials
Identities of symmetry for Bernoulli polynomials arising from quotients of Volkenborn integrals invariant under S_3
Identities of symmetry for Euler polynomials arising from quotients of fermionic integrals invariant under S_3
Identities of symmetry for generalized Bernoulli polynomials
Identities of symmetry for generalized Euler polynomials
Identities of symmetry for generalized twisted Bernoulli polynomials twisted by ramified roots of unity
Identities of symmetry for generalized twisted Bernoulli polynomials twisted by unramified roots of unity
Identities of symmetry for q-Bernoulli polynomials
Identities of symmetry for q-Euler polynomials
Igusa and Denef-Sperber Conjectures on nondegenerate p-adic exponential sums
Igusa integrals and volume asymptotics in analytic and adelic geometry
Igusa's conjecture on exponential sums modulo $p$ and $p^2$ and the motivic oscillation index
Igusa's p-adic local zeta function associated to a polynomial mapping and a polynomial integration measure
Ihara's lemma for imaginary quadratic fields
Ikeda's conjecture on the period of the Duke-Imamoglu-Ikeda lift
Ikehara-type theorem involving boundedness
Images of isogeny classes on modular elliptic curves
Imaginary quadratic fields k with Cl_2(k) = (2,2^m) and Rank Cl_2(k^1) = 2
Imaginary quadratic fields with Cl_2(k) = (2,2,2)