Intrinsic Approximation on Cantor-like Sets, a Problem of Mahler
Introducing Ramanujan's Class Polynomials in the Generation of Prime Order Elliptic Curves
Introduction aux formes modulaires de Hilbert et a leur proprietes differentielles
Introduction to Local and Global Euler Characteristic Formulas
Introduction to p-adic q-difference equations (weak Frobenius structure and transfer theorems)
Invariance of the parity conjecture for p-Selmer groups of elliptic curves in a $D_{2p^n}$-extension
Invariant Differential Operators on Siegel-Jacobi Space
Invariant metrics and Laplacians on Siegel-Jacobi Disk
Invariant metrics and Laplacians on Siegel-Jacobi space
Invariant representations of GSp(2) under tensor product with a quadratic character
Invariant theory for the elliptic normal quintic, I. Twists of X(5)
Invariant triple products
Invariants and coinvariants of semilocal units modulo elliptic units
Invariants and discriminant ideals of orthogonal complements in a quadratic space
Invariants Associated to Orthogonal $ε$-constants
Invariants de classes : exemples de non-annulation en dimension supérieure
Invariants de classes : le cas semi-stable
Invariants de classes : propriétés fonctorielles et applications à l'étude du noyau
Invariants, cohomology, and automorphic forms of higher order
Inverse Additive Problems for Minkowski Sumsets I