Generic exponential sums associated to Laurent polynomials in one variable
Generic points on exponential curves
Generic T-adic exponential sums in one variable
Generic Transfer for General Spin Groups
Generic transfer from GSp(4) to GL(4)
Generic twisted $T$-adic exponential sums of binomials
Generic twisted $T$-adic exponential sums of polynomials
Genus 2 Curves with Complex Multiplication
Genus 2 curves, continued fractions, and Somos sequences
Genus 3 curves with many involutions and application to maximal curves in characteristic 2
Genus bounds for curves with fixed Frobenius eigenvalues
Genus formula for modular curves of $D$-elliptic sheaves
Genus theta series, Hecke operators and the basis problem for Eisenstein series
Genus two curves with quaternionic multiplication and modular jacobian
Genus Zero Modular Functions
Geodesic restrictions of eigenfunctions on arithmetic surfaces
Geometric and $p$-adic modular forms of half-integral weight
Geometric families of 4-dimensional Galois representations with generically large images
Geometric Galois Theory, Nonlinear Number Fields and a Galois Group Interpretation of the Idele Class Group
Geometric Gamma values and zeta values in positive characteristic