Fontaine's property (Pm) at the maximal ramification break
Ford circles, continued fractions, and best approximation of the second kind
Formal group exponentials and Galois modules in Lubin-Tate extensions
Formal groups, elliptic curves, and some theorems of Couveignes
Formal groups, supersingular abelian varieties and tame ramification
Formal Markoff maps are positive
Formal power series arising from multiplication of quantum integers
Formes linéaires en polyzêtas et intégrales multiples
Formes modulaires modulo 2 : l'ordre de nilpotence des opérateurs de Hecke
Formes modulaires modulo 2 : structure de l'algèbre de Hecke
Formes modulaires p-adiques
Forms representing forms and linear spaces on hypersurfaces
Formulas for pi(n) and the n-th prime
Formulas for Positive, Negative and Zero Values of the Möbius Function
Formulas For The Square Root Modulo p
Formulas giving prime numbers under Cramér's conjecture
Formule de Fateev
Four Integer Factorization Algorithms
Four Perspectives on Secondary Terms in the Davenport-Heilbronn Theorems
Four primality testing algorithms