Functional equations of the dilogarithm in motivic cohomology
Functional Equations of Tornheim Zeta Function and the alpha-calculus of r-th order derivative of Zeta(s,alpha)
Functional relations for zeta-functions of weight lattices of Lie groups of type $A_3$
Functorial orbit counting
Functorial products for $GL_2\times GL_3$ and the symmetric cube for $GL_2$
Functoriality and special values of L-functions
Functoriality and the Inverse Galois Problem
Functoriality and the Inverse Galois problem II: groups of type B_n and G_2
Functoriality for General Spin Groups
Further Baire results on the distribution of subsequences
Further Improvements of Lower Bounds for the Least Common Multiples of Arithmetic Progressions
Further remarks on local discriminants
Further Remarks on multiple p-adic L-function of two variables
Further verification of Harder's conjecture
F_p-représentations semi-stables