Degree-k linear recursions mod(p) and number fields
Degrees of periods
Degrees of polarizations on an abelian surface with real multiplication
Delange's Tauberian theorem and asymptotic normality of random ordered factorizations of integers
Delaunay polytopes derived from the Leech lattice
Deligne's integrality theorem in unequal characteristic and rational points over finite fields; and Appendix (w/Pierre Deligne)
Démonstration de l'Observation 2 d'Almkvist et Zudilin
Demonstration de la conjecture de Dumont
Demuskin groups with operators
Demuskin groups, Galois modules, and the elementary type conjecture
Demystification of Taylor,Laurent coefficients of Lerch,Hurwitz Zeta functions and Dirichlet L-Function at Unity and Zero and their Bounds
Denominator-preserving maps
Denominators of Eisenstein cohomology classes for GL_2 over imaginary quadratic fields
Dense 2-generator subsemigroups of $2\times 2$ matrices
Dense Egyptian Fractions
Dense sets of integers with prescribed representation functions
Denser Egyptian Fractions
Densité de points et minoration de hauteur
Densities of 4-ranks of $K_2(\mathcal{O})$
Densities, Laplace Transforms and Analytic Number Theory