Divisors of the Euler and Carmichael functions
Do All Elliptic Curves of the Same Order Have the Same Difficulty of Discrete Log?
Documentation for the ratpoints program
Does Ten Have a Friend?
Double integrals and infinite products for some classical constants via analytic continuations of Lerch's transcendent
Double shuffle relations and renormalization of multiple zeta values
Double Shuffle Relations of Euler Sums
Double zeta values, double Eisenstein series, and modular forms of level 2
Drinfeld modular curve and Weil pairing
Drinfeld Modular Polynomials in Higher Rank
Drinfeld modules with maximal Galois action on their torsion points
Dual Elliptic Primes and Applications to Cyclotomy Primality Proving
Dual Rectangles
Dualité de Cartier et modules de Breuil
Duality for admissible locally analytic representations
Duality of Anderson T-motives
Duke's Theorem and Continued Fractions
Dwork-Carlitz Exponential and Overconvergence for Additive Functions in Positive Characteristic
Dynamical Degrees, Arithmetic Degrees, and Canonical Heights for Dominant Rational Self-Maps of Projective Space
Dynamical zeta functions and Kummer congruences