Congruences involving generalized central trinomial coefficients
Congruences involving the reciprocals of central binomial coefficients
Congruences modulo powers of 5 for three-colored Frobenius partitions
Congruences of alternating multiple harmonic sums
Congruences of multiple sums involving invariant sequences under binomial transform
Congruences of the partition function
Congruences on Stirling numbers and Eulerian numbers
Conics - a Poor Man's Elliptic Curves
Coniveau over $p$-adic fields and points over finite fields
Conjecture de l'inertie modérée de Serre
Conjecture de type de Serre et formes compagnons pour GSp_4
Conjectures about discriminants of Hecke algebras at prime level
Conjectures and experiments concerning the moments of $L(1/2,χ_d)$
Conjectures and results on $x^2$ mod $p^2$ with $4p=x^2+dy^2$
Conjugate Reciprocal Polynomials with all Roots on the Unit Circle
Conjugation of Hilbert modular forms and trace formula
Connected Components of Hurwitz Schemes and Malle's Conjecture
Connected components of moduli stacks of torsors via Tamagawa numbers
Connecting homomorphisms associated to Tate sequences
Connection formulas for the confluent hypergeometric functions and the functional relation for the Hurwitz zeta function