Fabra-ROA Baker-Nunn Camera at Observatori Astronòmic del Montsec: An Instrument Update for Space Debris Observation
Fabricate and assemble: an alignment and integration method for next generation x-ray telescopes
Fabricating the Solid Core Heatpipe Reactor
Fabrication and characteristics of free-standing shaped pupil masks for TPF-coronagraph
Fabrication and characterization of the Fizeau interferometer testbed
Fabrication and current optical performance of a large diamond-machined ZnSe immersion grating
Fabrication and integration of micro/nano-scale optical wire circuit arrays and devices for high-speed and compact optical printed circuit board (O-PCB) and VLSI photonic applications
Fabrication and optical characteristics of microlens arrays engraved in photoresist coatings
Fabrication and performance at 1.33 nm of a 0.24-micron period multilayer grating
Fabrication and performance of diffractive optics for quantum well infrared photodetectors
Fabrication and performance of linear multilayer gratings in the 44-130 A wavelength range
Fabrication and performance of MARS optical modulators for fiber-to-the-home systems
Fabrication and test of silicon grisms for JWST-NIRCam
Fabrication and testing of gas filled targets for large scale plasma experiments on Nova
Fabrication of blanks, figuring, polishing, and testing of astronomical mirrors for SALT, VST, LAMOST, and other projects
Fabrication of high-performance CdZnTe strip detector arrays
Fabrication of Soft-Edged Occulting Masks for Coronagraphs
Fabrication of the secondary mirrors for the W.M. Keck telescopes
Fabry-Perot etalons as prefilters for astronomical far infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy
Facilities for electron-beam welding