W Projection: A New Algorithm for Wide Field Imaging with Radio Synthesis Arrays
W-band HEMT-based power-amplifier module for millimeter-wave LO multipliers
WaFIRS: a waveguide far-IR spectrometer: enabling spectroscopy of high-z galaxies in the far-IR and submillimeter
Warm Spitzer Studies of the Atmospheres of Kepler-Detected Exoplanets
Water vapor measurement and compensation in the near- and mid-infrared with the Keck Interferometer Nuller
Wave Front Detection for the Virgo Gravitational Wave Detector
Wavefront calculation from backscattering phase in optical rough surfaces
Wavefront control for complicated pupil space telescopes
Wavefront controls for a large submillimeter-wave observatory
Wavefront curvature sensing on extended arbitrary scenes: simulation results
Wavefront error budget and optical manufacturing tolerance analysis for 1.8m telescope system
Wavefront error separation method for optical systems with aspherical surfaces
Wavefront interferometric technique for accurate spacecraft relative attitude determination
Wavefront sensing and adaptive control in phased array of fiber collimators
Wavefront sensing and control for a Next-Generation Space Telescope
Wavefront sensing in imaging through the atmosphere: a detector strategy
Wavefront tilt feedforward for the formation interferometer testbed (FIT)
Waveguide spectrographs for astronomy?
Waveguide system for a very large antenna array
Wavelength optimization for passive ranging through the atmosphere