S-Cam: a cryogenic camera for optical astronomy based on superconducting tunnel junctions.
S-Cam: A spectrophotometer for optical astronomy: Performance and latest results
SAAO Newsletter.
SADM potentiometer anomaly investigations
SAFIR architecture concept
Saga II On-Orbit Test
SAGE III meteor mission: pre-launch preparation, post-launch operation, and initial on-orbit data
SAGE III test model: ground-based coincident measurements with the SAGE III flight instruments and field characterization measurements
SAGE III: integration experiences and test results
Salinity and temperature structure of a freezing Arctic fjord-monitored by white whales (Delphinapterus leucas)
SALT First Generation Instruments
SALT segmented primary mirror: commissioning capacitive edge sensing system and performance comparison with inductive sensor
SALTICAM: $0.5M acquisition camera: every big telescope should have one
Sandia Laboratories' participation in the rocket borne Dutch-Japanese stellar X-ray experiment
SAR imaging using the Capon estimator in the 2D subarray processing framework
SAR Product Control Software
SARG: the high-resolution spectrograph of TNG
Satellite dynamics in spiral galaxies with dark matter haloes
Satellite launcher directory
Satellite Management Unit for SB4000 platforms