H-2A Launch Vehicle Test Flight Results and the Plan for the Future
H-alpha spectroscopy of active-chromosphere stars. I - Six G-K giants
H2 and H∞ control options for the combined attitude and thermal control system (CATCS)
H2-reversal trajectory: A new mission application for high-performance solar sails
HABE 60-cm telescope design and manufacturing
Hadamard spectrometer for passive LWIR standoff surveillance
Half hourly wind data from satellite derived water vapour measurements
Half-Life Measurement of Neutron-Rich Nuclei and Future at RIBF
Hall Effect Thruster with High Specific Impulse
Hall-Effect Thruster Estimation of Intra-Thruster Performances
Hands-On Astrophysics, 680 Hands at a Time: Lab Activities in Big Classes
Hands-On Universe Teacher Courses and the NASA Kepler Mission Outreach
Hard infrared black coating with very low outgassing
Hard x-ray imager (HXI) for the ASTRO-H Mission
Hard X-ray imager (HXI) for the NeXT mission
Hard X-ray images created by a series of harmonically related modulation collimators
Hardware acceleration of n-body simulations for galactic dynamics
Hardware design and object-oriented hardware driver design for the Real-time Interferometer Control System Testbed
Hardware-in-the-loop simulation for IR countermeasure assessment
Hardware-in-the-loop simulations of GPS-based navigation and control for satellite formation flying