C-QWIPs for material characterization
C/SiC advanced mirror system demonstrator design
C2DPHOT: The Source Extraction Tool For The C2D Legacy Project
C2NVEO Advanced FLIR Systems Performance Model
Cadmium sulfide/copper ternary heterojunction cell research
Calcium depletion toward moderately reddened stars
Calculating the modulation transfer function of atmospheric turbulence
Calibrating and optimizing the imaging of the SuperAGILE experiment
Calibrating Nebular Diagnostics of T[ scriptstyle star ]and Abundance
Calibrating SPHERE, the exo-planet imager for the VLT
Calibrating the GOES Imager visible channel using the moon as an irradiance source
Calibration and alignment of the demonstrator of the PROBA-3/ASPIICS formation flying coronagraph
Calibration and characterization of UV sensors for water disinfection
Calibration and image quality performance results of RADARSAT
Calibration and in-flight performance of the Mars Odyssey Thermal Emission Imaging System visible imaging subsystem (THEMIS VIS)
Calibration and performance of doped-Ge photoconductors for the ISO long wavelength spectrometer.
Calibration and performance of the energetic X-ray imaging telescope experiment
Calibration and performance of the infrared array camera (IRAC)
Calibration and Performance of the Michelson Doppler Imager on SOHO.
Calibration and performance of the UCR double Compton gamma ray telescope