Back and forth spectroscopy: optimization of an optical nod-and-shuffle technique to reach fainter objects and increase the multiplex gain on multi-object spectrographs
Back-illuminated 1024 X 1024 quadrant readout imager: operation and screening test results
Back-illuminated and electron-bombarded CCD low-light-level imaging system performance
Backazimuth estimation reliability using surface wave polarization
Background count rates and the anti-coincidence detector on the XRS instrument on Astro-E2
Background Measurements With the Prototype Nuclear Compton Telescope
Background Studies in CZT Detectors at Balloon Altitudes
Background suppression techniques in germanium detectors
Backside-thinned CCDs for keV electron detection
Backup secondary mirror and mechanism for SOFIA
Baffle design for a Cassegrain telescope
BAG: A code for predicting the performance of a gas bag impact attenuation system for the Pathfinder lander
Ballistic Mercury orbiter mission via Venus and Mercury gravity assists
Ballistic Mercury orbiter mission via Venus and Mercury gravity assists
Balloon infrared astronomy platform (BIRAP)
Balloon support systems performance for the cosmic rays energetics and mass mission
Balloon technology and observations. Proceedings. Symposium P3 of the COSPAR 29. Plenary Meeting, Washington, DC (USA), 28 Aug - 5 Sep 1992.
Balloon-borne resonance fluorescence instrument for in-situ measurement of atomic oxygen: Simultaneous measurement with ozone at 38-44 km
Balloon-borne three-meter telescope for far-infrared and submillimeter astronomy
Band-limited masks for TPF coronagraph