A note on the stability of the triangular points of equilibrium in the restricted three-body problem
A novel and scalable Multigrid algorithm for many-core architectures
A Numerical Algorithm for Zero Counting. II: Distance to Ill-posedness and Smoothed Analysis
A numerical analysis of line-blending effects in supernova spectra
A numerical and theoretical study of certain nonlinear wave phenomena
A numerical approach to the testing of the fission hypothesis
A numerical calculation of the effect of stellar winds on the interstellar medium
A numerical experiment on the equilibrium and stability of a rotating galactic bar
A numerical investigation of the formation and evolution of magnetospheric irregularities by the interchange of magnetic flux tubes
A numerical method for integrating the stellar-dynamical Fokker-Planck equation in a fixed inhomogeneous gravitational background
A numerical method for processing the radioheliographic data of Nancay
A numerical model for stellar core collapse calculations
A numerical simulation of a variable velocity jet
A Numerical Simulation of Supersonic Turbulent Convection Relating to the Formation of the Solar System
A numerical solution of the coupled proton-H atom transport equations for the proton aurora
A numerical study of fluids with pressure dependent viscosity flowing through a rigid porous medium
A numerical study of resonant absorption in a magnetohydrodynamic cavity driven by a broadband spectrum
A numerical study of the fission hypothesis for rotating polytropes
A numerical study of the pitch-angle scattering of cosmic rays
A numerical study of the Roche and DARWIN problems for polytropic stars