The external gravitational field of Saturn and the rings
The F2 layer seasonal anomaly
The Faraday effect in a magneto-optical filter
The FEM approach to the 2D Poisson equation in 'meshes' optimized with the Metropolis algorithm
The flow field in a force-free magnetic field
The form of ideal current layers in line-tied magnetic fields
The formal integrals of the restricted, plane, three-body problem
The Formation and Maintenance of the Zonal Winds of Jupiter and Saturn
The formation of primordial binaries in globular clusters by star-disk interactions
The formation of protostellar disks. 2: Disks around intermediate-mass stars
The formation of stellar groups and clusters in molecular cloud cores
The fraction of matter in voids
The Fundamental Theorems of Interval Analysis
The gas dynamics of contracting ionization fronts - A numerical solution
The generation of MHD shock waves during the impulsive phase of the February 27, 1992 flare
The gravitational field of PHOBOS
The gravitomagnetic dynamo effect in accretion disks of rotating black holes
The greenhouse effect of CO2 ice cloud and climate stability on early Mars
The growth of aspherical structure in the universe - Is the local supercluster an unusual system
The guiding center in a cell method in the three-dimensional problem on the interaction of the solar wind plasma with the conducting model of the moon (numerical experiment)