Topological disintegration of the magnetospheric current sheets
Toroidal solutions of the Gegenbauer equation
Total analysis of the 1993 Hokkaido Nansei-oki earthquake using seismic wave, tsunami, and geodetic data
Trace Norm Regularized Tensor Classification and Its Online Learning Approaches
Transition to turbulence in solar surges
Tremendous outburst amplitude dwarf novae
Trojan asteroids - Relations between dynamical parameters
Tunneling probability for the birth of an asymptotically DeSitter universe with dust
Turbulent transport of magnetic fields. III - Stochastic excitation of global magnetic modes
Two hierarchies of spline interpolations. Practical algorithms for multivariate higher order splines
Two Iterative Algorithms for Solving Systems of Simultaneous Linear Algebraic Equations with Real Matrices of Coefficients
Two temperature spherical accretion onto a black hole: The X and gamma ray spectrum
Two-body tidal dissipation in large N-body systems
Two-dimensional generalization of the Muller root-finding algorithm and its applications
Two-dimensional hydrodynamical simulations of wind-compressed disks around rapidly rotating B stars
Two-dimensional radiative equilibrium - Boundary emissive powers for a finite medium subjected to cosine varying radiation
Two-photon annihilation of thermal pairs in strong magnetic fields
Two-stage fragmentation in a rotating protostellar cloud
Two-temperature accretion disks with winds in a fluid approximation
Type-II/III DCT/DST algorithms with reduced number of arithmetic operations