Strong scintillations in astrophysics. III - The fluctuations in intensity
Strong Solutions of the Fuzzy Linear Systems
Structural innovations in the Columbus Project - an 11.3 meter optical telescope
Structure and spectrum of quiescent prominences - Energy balance and hydrogen spectrum
Studies for the Loss of Atomic and Molecular Species from Io
Studies for the Loss of Atomic and Molecular Species from IO
Studies In Planetary Volcanology
Studies of an artificially generated electrode effect at ground level
Studies of the basic and slowly varying component of solar radio emission in relation to the 11 year sunspot and Ca-II plage cycle
Studies of the stellar three-body problem
Study of modern instrumentation and methods for astronomic positioning in the field
Study of modern instrumentation and methods for astronomic positioning in the field
Study of rectilinear earth-to-moon motion
Study of the effectiveness of estimating electron-concentration-profile parameters from VLF propagation data
Study of thermal properties of the lunar regolith based on in situ temperature measurements and experiments on soil simulants
Subspace Pursuit for Compressive Sensing Signal Reconstruction
Substructuring domain decomposition scheme for unsteady problems
Summer study program in geophysical fluid dynamics, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution: Chaos
Sunward-Flowing Suprathermal Ion Populations Associated With IP Shocks
Superclusters and the secondary maximum in the cluster density profile. II