Solution of the equation of transfer for interlocked multiplets by the method of Laplace transform and Winer-Hopf technique with Planck function as a nonlinear function of optical depth
Solution of the transfer equation in a scattering atmosphere with spherical symmetry
Solutions to radiative transfer problems using approximate lambda operators
Solving Elliptic Finite Element Systems in Near-Linear Time with Support Preconditioners
Solving Principal Component Pursuit in Linear Time via $l_1$ Filtering
Solving systems of transcendental equations involving the Heun functions
Solving Tensor Structured Problems with Computational Tensor Algebra
Some addenda on distance function wavelets
Some Architectures for Chebyshev Interpolation
Some characteristics of the propagation and acceleration of cosmic rays in the Galaxy
Some implications of the nanoflare concept
Some remarks on the boundaries of the applicability of the Sanders method for selecting cluster members
Some velocity field results from the thermocapillary flow experiment aboard USML-1 spacelab
Space-time filtering of geomagnetic fields
Spatial transport and spectral transfer of solar wind turbulence composed of Alfen waves and convective structures. 2: Numerical results
Spatiospectral concentration and spectral analysis of potential fields on the sphere
Special relativistic jet collimation by inertial confinement
Spectra of the hydrogen atom and hydrogen-like ions in the magnetic fields of neutron stars
Spectra of X-ray bursts at near-Eddington luminosities
Spectral Analysis of the Volume Operator in Loop Quantum Gravity