On the approximation in the smoothed finite element method (SFEM)
On the average shape and position of the geomagnetic neutral sheet and its influence on plasma sheet statistical studies
On the complexity of nonnegative matrix factorization
On the complexity of solving initial value problems
On the computation of angular distributions of radiation in planetary atmospheres
On the continuation of periodic orbits from the restricted to the general three-body problem
On the control of the load increments for a proper description of multiple delamination in a domain decomposition framework
On the Convex Feasibility Problem
On the current status of maser polarization theory
On the dependence of some helium shell flash characteristics on core mass
On the effects of a weak magnetic field on turbulent transport
On the equilibrium and secular instability of rapidly rotating stars
On the Erosion of Small Meteoroids
On the evolution of the geomagnetospheric coherent cyclotron resonance in the midst of noise
On the exponential X-ray decay in X-ray novae
On the Exponentiation of Interval Matrices
On the field configuration in magnetic clouds
On the formation of discrete auroral arcs
On the formulae for calculating the magnetic field in the source of solar radio microwave impulsive bursts
On the global stability of magnetized accretion disks. 1: Axisymmetric modes