Distortions of the microwave background radiation spectrum in the submillimeter wavelength region
Diurnal tide in the Martian atmosphere
Divergence-free Wavelets for Navier-Stokes
Divide-and-Conquer Method for L1 Norm Matrix Factorization in the Presence of Outliers and Missing Data
Do quiescent soft X-ray transients contain millisecond radio pulsars?
Does accretion cease when a star approaches breakup?
Domain decomposition schemes for evolutionary equations of first order with not self-adjoint operators
Domain decomposition schemes for the Stokes equation
Doppler Spectrum Estimation by Ramanujan Fourier Transforms
Double diffusive convection during growth of lead bromide crystals
Doubling and superposition methods in the presence of thermal emission
Downflow plumes and entropy balance in deep convection zones
Drawing inferences about solar wind acceleration from coronal minor ion observations
Dust coagulation in dense molecular clouds: The formation of fluffy aggregates
Dust emission spectra from star-forming regions
Dust extinction of the stellar continua in starburst galaxies: The ultraviolet and optical extinction law
Dynamic effects of aurora-generated gravity waves on the mid-latitude ionosphere
Dynamic formation of stressed coronal magnetic fields
Dynamic modeling of coronal transients and interplanetary disturbances
Dynamic modeling of the middle atmosphere