Analytic formulation and quantitative solutions of the coupled ULF wave problem
Analytic theory of orbit contraction
Analytic vibration-rotational matrix elements for high Delta-v infrared transitions of diatomic molecules
Analytical and numerical approaches of a solar array thermal analysis in a low-earth orbit satellite
Analytical calculation of muon intensities under deep sea-water
Analytical developments concerning the inverse of a distance in celestial mechanics
Analytical lunar libration tables
Analytical models for spherical stellar systems
Analytical solution of transient scalar wave and diffusion problems of arbitrary dimensionality and geometry by RBF wavelet series
Analytical techniques for improved time transfer using common view of direct broadcasting satellites
Analytical theory of distributed axisymmetric barotropic vortices on the beta-plane
Analytical treatment of charged particle motion in the geomagnetotail
Analytical-numerical methods of calculations of energy and three-dimensional particle distributions in electromagnetic cascades
Analyzing and enhancing OSKI for sparse matrix-vector multiplication
Anatomy of a Photodissociation Region: High angular resolution images of molecular emission in the Orion Bar
Anisotropic cosmic-ray diffusion in interplanetary space. I - Density distribution
Anisotropic diffusion of cosmic rays taking into account space and time variations of the diffusion tensor
Anisotropic thermo-convective effects on the stability of the thermo-diffusive equilibrium through a porous medium
Anomalies in the multifractal analysis of self-similar resistor networks
Another approach to decide on real root existence for univariate Polynomials, and a multivariate extension for 3-SAT