X-ray laser microscopy
X-ray laser plasma source for calibration
X-ray measurements of laser energy deposition in NOVA hohlraums
X-ray microscopy of living biological specimens using laser plasma as an x-ray source
X-ray optics elements and devices
X-ray optics for plasma point sources
X-ray photoionization experiments on the Z-machine: studying photoionized nebulae in the laboratory
X-ray Power Increase from Symmetrized Wire-Array z-Pinch Implosions on Saturn.*
X-ray Raman compression via two-stream instability in dense plasmas
X-ray scattering as a probe for warm dense mixtures and high-pressure miscibility
X-ray sources for radiography of warm dense matter
X-ray Spectroscopy at NSTX
X-ray Tomography of the Outer Heliosphere
X-rays from comet Hyakutake
XUV laser research at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Yet another caveat to using the Dessler-Parker-Sckopke relation
Z-pinch-driven-hohlraum high-mach-number jets on Z
Z-pinches as intense x-ray sources for high energy density physics applications
Zero vector potential mechanism of attosecond absorption in strongly relativistic plasmas
Zero-Turbulence Manifold in a Toroidal Plasma