Variations of the flank LLBL thickness as response to the solar wind dynamic pressure and IMF orientation
VASIMR Simulation Studies of Auroral Ion Cyclotron Heating
Vector potential analysis of the helicon antenna in vacuum
Velocity and magnetic field fluctuations in Alfvénic regions of the inner solar wind: Three-fluid observations
Velocity correlation function for charged particles in strong magnetic turbulence
Velocity distributions of superthermal electrons fitted with a power law function in the magnetosheath: Cluster observations
Velocity-Space Diffusion in a Perpendicularly Propagating Electrostatic Wave
Velocity-space distributions of wave-accelerated auroral electrons
Velocity-temperature distribution in the evaporating plasma during the impulsive phase of solar flares
Venus Express observes a new type of shock with pure kinematic relaxation
Versatile curved-crystal spectrometer
Versatile grazing incidence spectromonochromator for the XUV region
Vertical angular momentum transfer from accretion discs and the formation of large-scale collimated jets
Very High Mach Number Electrostatic Shocks in Collisionless Plasmas
Very High Mach Number Quasi-Perpendicular Collisionless Shocks
VHE gamma ray generation by radio pulsars
Vibrational Modes and Instabilities of a Dust Particle Pair in a Complex Plasma
Viewing System Design for Target Fabrication Facility
Viscosity and confinement in magnetized plasma
Viscosity and mutual diffusion in strongly asymmetric binary ionic mixtures