Unstable spectrum of a relativistic electron beam interacting with a quantum collisional plasma: application to the Fast Ignition Scenario
Unsteady magnetic boundary-layer flow of power-law non-Newtonian conducting fluid through a porous medium past an infinite porous flat plate
Unsteady propagation of collisionless trans-Alfvénic shocks at large timescales
Unsteady Solar Wind at the Termination Shock and in the Heliosheath
Unsteady wandering magnetic field lines, turbulence and laboratory flux ropes
Up-down symmetry of the turbulent transport of toroidal angular momentum in tokamaks
Upper atmosphere research at INPE
Upper bound estimates of anomalous ion production in space-based critical ionization velocity experiments
Upper bounds on particle energization?
Upper-hybrid and electron-cyclotron waves in a laboratory magnetoplasma: weak spatial dispersion and parametric effects
Upper-hybrid wave driven Alfvenic turbulence in magnetized dusty plasmas
Upstream and downstream propagating waves generated by pickup ions near comet Halley
Upstream Events and Magnetospheric Disturbances
Upstream Structures and their Effects on the Magnetosphere
Upstream whistlers generated by protons reflected from a quasi-perpendicular shock
Use of a hybrid code to model the Earth's magnetosphere
Use of Auroral Processes in Spacecraft Propulsion: A VASIMR VX-100 Status Report
Use of Data Mining and Computer Vision Algorithms in Studies of Magnetic Reconnection
Use of Langmuir probes in non-Maxwellian space plasmas
Using 1-D MHD Calculations to Analyze Time-resolved Z-pinch Data