OMEGA Laser--Driven Hydrodynamic Plasma Jet Experiments with Relevance to Astrophysics
Omnigenity as generalized quasisymmetry
On "the plasma approximation"
On a correspondence between classical and quantum particle systems
On advanced fluid modelling of drift wave turbulence
On analyses of satellite ion scale reconnection data
On axisymmetric MHD equilibria with incompressible flows under side conditions
On collisions driven negative energy waves and Weibel instability of a relativistic electron beam in a quasi-neutral plasma
On Cosmic Ray Modulation in the Heliosheath and beyond the Heliopause
On cyclotron wave heating and acceleration of solar wind ions in the outer corona
On description of quantum plasma
On determining polarization characteristics of ion cyclotron wave magnetic field fluctuations
On Dust Charging Equation
On electromagnetic models of ball lightning with topological structure
On electrostatic modes in multi-ion and pair-ion collisional plasmas
On existence of resistive magnetohydrodynamic equilibria
On finding polarization parameters of low-frequency plasma waves
On fine structure emission associated with plasmaspheric density irregularities
On heat flow contribution to plasma line frequency in the F region
On hierarchial cosmology