Non-linear evolution of firehose-unstable Alfvén waves
Non-linear Evolution of Velocity Ring Distributions: Generation of Whistler Waves
Non-linear gyrokinetic theory of magnetoplasmas
Non-Linear Phenomena in Dusty Plasmas
Non-linear temperature oscillations in the plasma centre on Tore Supra and their interplay with MHD
Non-linear thermal instability of optical thin molecular structures
Non-local gyrokinetic model of linear ion-temperature-gradient modes
Non-local model of hollow cathode and glow discharge - theory calculations and experiment comparison
Non-modal approach to linear theory: marginal stability and the dissipation of turbulent fluctuations
Non-modal Plasma Stability in the Solar Wind
Non-monotonic potentials above the lunar surface: implications for electron reflectometry measurements
Non-Newtonian viscosity in magnetized plasma
Non-perturbative models of intermittency in edge turbulence
Non-perturbative statistical theory of intermittency in ITG drift wave turbulence with zonal flows
Non-self-similar scaling of plasma sheet and solar wind probability distribution functions of magnetic field fluctuations
Non-stationary magnetized axially symmetric equilibrium from the fluid equations of motion
Non-stationary Rayleigh-Taylor instability in supernovae ejecta
Non-thermal ISR scatter and auroral forms associated with a substorm expansion
Non-thermal particle populations in space plasmas
Non-WKB evolution of solar wind fluctuations: A turbulence modeling approach