Nonlinear evolution of the plasma beatwave: Compressing the laser beatnotes via electromagnetic cascading
Nonlinear excitation of photonikos and plasmons by high-power, short pulse lasers
Nonlinear finite-Larmor-radius effects in reduced fluid models
Nonlinear generation of electromagnetic waves in a magnetoplasma
Nonlinear generation of ion holes in auroral plasmas
Nonlinear guiding center theory of perpendicular diffusion: General properties and comparison with observation
Nonlinear gyrofluid computation of edge localised ideal ballooning modes
Nonlinear inertial and kinetic Alfven waves
Nonlinear interaction between Super-Alfvén flow and dipolarized magnetic field in the earth's magnetotail
Nonlinear interaction between three inertial Alfvén waves
Nonlinear interaction between three kinetic Alfvén waves
Nonlinear interaction of convective cells in plasmas
Nonlinear interaction of energetic electrons with large amplitude chorus
Nonlinear interaction of outer zone electrons with VLF waves
Nonlinear interaction of photons and phonons in a relativistically hot electron-positron gas
Nonlinear interactions between kinetic Alfvén and ion-sound waves
Nonlinear Interactions Between Shear Alfvén waves on LaPD
Nonlinear interactions between upper-hybrid and Alfvén modes in a magnetized plasma containing charged dust impurities
Nonlinear Interactions in Dense Quantum Plasmas
Nonlinear Interactions of Gravitational Wave with Matter in Magnetic-type Maxwell-Vlasov Description