Lower-hybrid cavity density depletions as a result of transverse ion acceleration localized on the gyroradius scale
Lower-hybrid instabilities driven by an ion velocity ring
Lower-hybrid-drift and modified-two-stream instabilities in current sheet equilibrium
Lunar Dust Simulant Under Electron and Ion Bombardments
Lunar Neutral Exosphere Properties from Pickup Ion Analysis
Lunar Photoemission Studies with a Xe Excimer UV Lamp
Lunar Precursor Effects Observed by ARTEMIS in the Solar Wind and Magnetosphere
Lunar Prospector observations of the electrostatic potential of the lunar surface and its response to incident currents
Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter: Mission and Instrument Overview
Lunar Science for Future Missions
Lyapunov stability of flowing MHD plasmas surrounded by resistive walls
Lyapunov stability of Vlasov Equilibria using Fourier-Hermite modes
Lyman Spitzer, Jr. (1914-1997)
Lyman Spitzer: Astronomer, Physicist, Engineer, and Mountaineer