High-Z foil acceleration using hydrodynamic pressure of radiatively heated matter
Higher Harmonics Generation in Strongly Coupled Magnetized Two-Dimensional Yukawa Liquids
Higher harmonics of the magnetoplasmon in strongly coupled Coulomb and Yukawa systems
Higher-energy plasma ions found near the termination shock: Analyses of Voyager 2 data in the heliosheath and in the outer heliosphere
Highlights of YOHKOH results
Highly Charged Ions in a Dilute Plasma: An Exact Asymptotic Solution Involving Strong Coupling
Highly charged ions in a weakly coupled plasma: an exact solution
Highly efficient acceleration and collimation of high-density plasma using laser-induced cavity pressure
Highly efficient sparse-matrix inversion techniques and average procedures applied to collisional-radiative codes
Hints for a proper use of photoresists as optical recording media for x-ray holography
Hole boring in a DT pellet and fast ion ignition with ultra-intense laser pulses
Hollow density channels and transport in a laser irradiated plasma slab
Homotopy formulas for the magnetic vector potential and magnetic helicity: The Parker spiral interplanetary magnetic field and magnetic flux ropes
Horizontal plasma flow at midlatitudes: More mechanisms and the interpretation of observations
Hot dense capsule implosion cores produced by z-pinch dynamic hohlraum radiation
Hot Flow Anomalies & Foreshock Cavities - Are They the Same Thing?
Hot flow anomalies at Saturn's bow shock
Hot Flow Anomalies: Explosions at the Earth's Bow Shock
Hot Flow Anomaly Structure Analysis
Hot ion generation from nanostructured surfaces under intense, femtosecond irradiation