GEM reconnection challenge: Implicit kinetic simulations with the physical mass ratio
General dispersion equation for oscillations and waves in non-collisional Maxwellian plasmas
General drift of magnetic fields in the solar atmosphere
General drift of magnetic fields in the solar atmosphere
General relativistic effects on the pulse profile of fast pulsars
General Relativistic Plasma Disk Dynamics, Key Role of Topology and Interpretation of Black Hole Associated Phenomena*
Generalised action-angle coordinates defined on island chains
Generalization of Child-Langmuir Law for Non-Zero Injection Velocities in a Planar Diode
Generalized Action Invariants for Drift Waves-Zonal Flow Systems
Generalized Analysis Tools for Multi-Spacecraft Missions
Generalized characteristics of the homogenous magneto hydrodynamical equations
Generalized covariant gyrokinetic dynamics of magnetoplasmas
Generalized kinetic description of a plasma in an arbitrary field-aligned potential energy structure
Generalized matching criterion for electrostatic ion solitary propagations in quasineutral magnetized plasmas
Generalized Ohm's law in a 3-D reconnection experiment
Generalized Ohm's laws for relativistically streaming plasmas
Generalized Rayleigh-Taylor instability in the presence of time-dependent equilibrium
Generalized similarity and the physics of the outer scales in evolving solar wind magnetohydrodynamic inertial range turbulence as seen by ULYSSES
Generalized similarity in finite range solar wind magnetohydrodynamic turbulence
Generalized Stormer-Verlet Method with Variable Time Steps Applied to Mapping of Solar Energetic Proton Distributions to the Upper Atmosphere