Did Tsunami-Launched Gravity Waves Trigger Ionospheric Turbulence over Arecibo?
Dielectric function beyond RPA: kinetic theory vs. linear response theory
Dielectric function of a two-component plasma including collisions
Dielectric function of nonideal plasmas and electrical dc conductivity
Dielectronic satellite spectra for highly-charged helium-like ions. VII - Calcium spectra: Theory and comparison with SMM observations
Difference in magnetotail variations between intense and weak substorms
Differences between transmitter precipitation peaks and storm injection peaks in low-altitude energetic electron spectra
Differences in daytime and nighttime ionospheric deterministic chaotic behavior: GPS total electron content analyses
Differences in the O7+/O6+ ratio of magnetic cloud and non-cloud Coronal Mass Ejections
Differential Form of the Collision Integral for a Relativistic Plasma
Differential Geometric and Topological methods with MHD and plasma physics
Diffraction controlled backscattering threshold and application to Raman gap
Diffuse auroral electron scattering by electron cyclotron harmonic and whistler mode waves during an isolated substorm
Diffuse Ion Scattering in front of the Earth's Quasi-Parallel Bow Shock: What Can We Learn from Cluster Simultaneous Multipoint Observations?
Diffuse scattering by rough surfaces at soft x-ray characteristic wavelengths
Diffusion and dispersion of passive tracers: Navier-Stokes versus MHD turbulence
Diffusion and growth of metal clusters in nanocomposites: a Kinetic Monte Carlo study
Diffusion and heat flow equations with allowance for large temperature differences between interacting species
Diffusion and structure of meteor trails in the E-region ionosphere
Diffusion by Coherent Wave-Particle Interactions and Quasilinear Theory