Development of submillimeter wave source Gyrotron FU series for plasma diagnostics
Development of supersonic plasma flows by use of a magnetic nozzle and an ICRF heating
Development of the Passive Shock Breakout diagnostic for the laser-plasma interaction.
Development of the Passive Shock Breakout diagnostic for the National Ignition Facility
Deviations from the local field approximation in negative streamer heads
dHybrid: a massively parallel code for hybrid simulations of space plasmas
dHybrid: a three dimensional hybrid code for large scale simulations of interacting plasmas in space
Diagnosing Stellar Feedback Mechanisms in Giant Star Forming Regions
Diagnosing the excitation mechanisms of Pc5 magnetospheric flank waveguide modes and FLRs
Diagnosis of general magnetic reconnection
Diagnosis of neutron star and its environments with X-ray astronomy
Diagnostic for Source of a Complex Solar Burst Observed with High Spectral Resolution in Microwaves and Hard X-Rays
Diagnostic Setup for Characterization of Near-Anode Processes in Hall Thrusters
Diagnostics for Wave Mode Identification in the Dissipation Range of Solar Wind Turbulence: Kinetic Alfven Waves versus Whistlers
Diagnostics of corona by in-situ composition measurements at 1 AU
Diagnostics of Cosmological γ-ray Bursts
Diagnostics of low and atmospheric pressure plasmas by means of mass spectrometry
Diamagnetic effect produced by the Fluxus-1 and -2 artificial plasma jet
Diamagnetic effects during the early stages of star formation
Dicluster Stopping in a Degenerate Electron Gas