Determination of Carrier-Envelope Phase of Relativistic Few-Cycle Laser Pulses by Thomson Backscattering Spectroscopy
Determination of the levitation limits of dust particles within the sheath in complex plasma experiments
Determination of the quiet time current sheet thickness using Geotail CPI data and nonlinear dynamics modeling
Determination of the spatial characteristics of an RF electrodeless discharge by the method of emission tomography
Determining ion production rates near Saturn's extended neutral cloud from ion cyclotron wave amplitudes
Determining Mean Electron Temperature Variation Along Magnetic Field Lines in the Earth's Plasma-sheet Using Multipoint Measurements From Cluster
Determining the Distance to the IBEX ENA Ribbon
Determining the dynamic range of MCPs based on pore size and strip current
Determining the location of termination shock using signature of Galactic cosmic ray modulation by global merged interaction region in the heliosheath
Determining the mass density along magnetic field lines from toroidal eigenfrequencies
Determining the release time of solar energetic particles regarding the perpendicular diffusion effect
Deuterium burning in Jupiter interior
Deuterium Equation-of-State Measurements with High Pressure Laser-Driven Shock Experiments*
Deuteron-induced reactions generated by intense Lasers for PET isotope production
Developement of real time diagnostics and feedback algorithms for JET in view of the next step
Developing a Data-Tested Theory for Type II Solar Radio Bursts
Developing a new model for gradual SEP events: Peak intensities and fluences within 1.6 AU
Developing a supernova hydrodynamics `test stand' using intense lasers
Development and application of advanced spectral analysis tools for Wind SWE
Development and Evaluation of a Motional Stark Effect with Laser Induced Fluorescence Diagnostic for Determining the Magnetic Field Magnitude and Angle in NSTX