Design and holographic production of aberration-corrected synchrotron diffraction gratings
Design and optimization of an XUV monograph for the wavelength domain 40-400 A
Design and simulation of astrophysical jets using laboratory lasers
Design of hydrodynamically driven, radiative-precursor shock experiments
Design of the Nova Upgrade laser system for ignition fusion experiments
Destabilization of ellipticity-induced Alfvén eigenmodes during ICRF heating and stabilization by negative-ion-based neutral beam injection in JT-60U
Detailed investigation of a time of flight neutron spectrometer
Detailed Observations of Laboratory Astrophysical Jet Formation and Collimation
Detailed Radiative Transport Modeling of a Radiative Divertor
Details of current disruption and diversion in simulations of magnetotail dynamics
Detecting nanoparticles at radio frequencies: Jovian dust stream impacts on Cassini/RPWS
Detection of coronal mass ejection associated shock waves in the outer corona
Detection of localized structures from multispacecraft data: Adaptive correlation function
Detection of m/q = 2 pickup ions in the plasma environment of the Moon: The trace of exospheric H2+
Detection of oppositely directed reconnection jets in a solar wind current sheet
Detection of S(IV) 10.51 μm emission from the Io plasma torus
Detection of terrestrial gamma ray flashes up to 40 MeV by the AGILE satellite
Detection of wave phenomena in the solar corona using radio occultation methods
Determination of absolute densities of B, Al, Ga and Si atoms in non-equilibrium plasmas from relative intensities in resonance multiplets distorted by reabsorption
Determination of accurate solar wind electron parameters using particle detectors and radio wave receivers